Wednesday 30 March 2016

Types OF Sunk Key Use In Mechanical Engineering

As i mention in my previous written article there are six different  types of sunk key which are used for different kind of work according to his shape,length position of mounting and so many other.
There are six different kind of Sunk keys:

  • Rectangular Sunk Key
  • Square Sunk key
  • Parallel Sunk Key
  • Gib Head Sunk Key
  • Feather Key
  • Wood ruff Key

 Rectangular Key:

Rectangular sunk key called rectangular because the cross section of the key in rectangular shape.there is a taper in key from upper side and the ratio is 1:100.

Formula:                           t=d/6

Square Key:

The cross section of the square  key is in square shape that's why its called square key and there is only difference of cross section between square and rectangular key.

Formula:                               t=d/4

Parallel Key:

There is no taper in this key and also the upper and lower surfaces are parallel in to each other that's why its called Parallel key. Cross section of the parallel in rectangular and also in square shape both.

Gib Head Key:

This key has all the dimension according to rectangular key just difference is that Gib head key has a Gib Head at one side of the key.

Formula:                        t=d/6

Feather Key :

This key is fixing with one specific part and its will help us to done the relative motion between them. This is a special kind of key and used in specific work.

Wood Ruff Key:

Wood ruff key is those kind of key that is mount easily. Wood ruff key is a part of round disk which is looking like a segment as we see from front. For mounting wood ruff key a key is make in part and mount key in it.

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Types OF Sunk Key Use In Mechanical Engineering
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