Friday 1 April 2016

Difference Between Petrol Engine And Diesel Engine

In my previous written articles i write about most four stroke engine and two stroke engine. In this article i will tell you all about petrol engine and diesel engine . There are so much different between petrol engine and diesel engine as i written below:

Petrol Engine:

  • In petrol engine the mixture of air fuel enter in the cylinder between suction stroke.
  • Corroborator used in petrol engine.
  • The pressure of air fuel mixture at the end of compression stroke may be 10 bar.
  • Spark plug will use in petrol engine for Ignition.
  • The Compression ratio in petrol engine will be 6-10.
  • Petrol Engine are less in weight and cheap in rates.

Diesel Engine:

  • In diesel engine only fuel enter in the cylinder between suction stroke.
  • Fuel Injector will use in diesel engine.
  • The pressure of compressed air at the end of compression stroke may be 35 bar.
  • Compression will use in diesel engine for ignition.
  • The compression ratio in diesel engine will be 15-25.
  • Diesel engine are heavy in weight and expensive in rates.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Types OF Sunk Key Use In Mechanical Engineering

As i mention in my previous written article there are six different  types of sunk key which are used for different kind of work according to his shape,length position of mounting and so many other.
There are six different kind of Sunk keys:

  • Rectangular Sunk Key
  • Square Sunk key
  • Parallel Sunk Key
  • Gib Head Sunk Key
  • Feather Key
  • Wood ruff Key

 Rectangular Key:

Rectangular sunk key called rectangular because the cross section of the key in rectangular shape.there is a taper in key from upper side and the ratio is 1:100.

Formula:                           t=d/6

Square Key:

The cross section of the square  key is in square shape that's why its called square key and there is only difference of cross section between square and rectangular key.

Formula:                               t=d/4

Parallel Key:

There is no taper in this key and also the upper and lower surfaces are parallel in to each other that's why its called Parallel key. Cross section of the parallel in rectangular and also in square shape both.

Gib Head Key:

This key has all the dimension according to rectangular key just difference is that Gib head key has a Gib Head at one side of the key.

Formula:                        t=d/6

Feather Key :

This key is fixing with one specific part and its will help us to done the relative motion between them. This is a special kind of key and used in specific work.

Wood Ruff Key:

Wood ruff key is those kind of key that is mount easily. Wood ruff key is a part of round disk which is looking like a segment as we see from front. For mounting wood ruff key a key is make in part and mount key in it.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Use Of Belt Drive in Automotive Engineering

Definition Of Belt Drive In Mechanical Engineering:

Belt is used to transmit power from one shaft to another with the help of pulley. In this cause if pulleys rotate on same speed or different does't matter. There are some reason or some point when belt drive selected.

  • Speed Of  Drive and Driven Shaft 
  • Power want to transmit
  • Distance between Shafts
  • Need of positive drive
  • Required Space
  • Layout of Shaft
  • Service Condition

Types Of Belt Drive:

There are different kind of belts drives that are used in Mechanical Industry and also in automotive Engineering for different kind of work.

1. Light Drive            2. Medium Drives              3. Heavy Drives 

        1.Light Belt Drive:

Light drives always used for less speed and transmit less power from one shaft to another.Belt speed should be 10 meter per second in light drive belt.

       2. Medium Belt Drives:

Medium drive is used for transmit medium power from one point to another. The speed of medium belt drive should be more than 10 meter per second and less than 22 meter per second.

       3. Heavy Belt Drives:

Heavy drive is used for transmit large number of power from one point to other. The speed of Heavy belt drive should be more than 22 meter per second.

Use Of Different Kind Of Key In Mechanical Engineering

Definition Of Key In Automotive Engineering:

Key is the piece of mild steel which is mount between the Hub of shaft or gear. It's help us to stop the relative motion between gear or pulley. Key is also used a temporary fastener in automotive engineering or in mechanical industry.
There are three major types of key that are mostly used in mechanical Industry :

1.Sunk Key                 2.Saddle Key                  3. Tagent key   

       1. Sunk Key:

Sunk Key is that kind of key that was mount half a side in hear or pulley and half a side in shaft keyway. There are six different types of Sunk key which are mostly used in Mechanical industry.

  • Rectangular Sunk Key
  • Square Sunk key
  • Parallel Sunk Key
  • Gib Head Sunk Key
  • Feather Key
  • Woodruf Key

       2. Saddle Key:

Saddle Key is a key that fit in the keyway of the Hub.There are two different types of Saddle Key
  • Flat Saddle Key 
  • Hollow Saddle Key

       3. Tagent Key:

Tagent Key always mount as a pair in Shaft.Ever key will fight with only one direction. Tagent key always use for heavy duty works.

Saturday 26 March 2016

Different Kinds Of Shaft Use In Mechanical Industry

In my previous written article i was telling you about shaft, axle and spindle and now in this article i will tell you about types of Shaft that are use in mechanical industry and also use for different kind of work.
There are two types of shaft:
  1. Transmission Shaft
  2. Machine Shaft

Transmission Shaft:

Transmission Shaft is used to transmit power to machine from source. Counter Shaft,Line Shaft, Over head shaft and all kind of factory shafts are types of Transmission shaft.That's why transmission shaft has bending moment also with twisting moment.

Machine Shaft:

This kind of Shaft is working as a machine part. In other way this shaft also called a machine part that's why its called machine shaft.Crank Shaft is the very good example of machine shaft.

Friday 25 March 2016

Use Of Shaft, Axle and Spindle In Automotive Engineering

Axle , Shaft and Spindle are mechanical things that use in mechanical industry and also in different kind of work. All three things has same round type of shape but in function and work all three things are different and important according to the work as i explain below all three one by one.


Shaft is a round moving machine element which use to transfer power from one place to another.The power transfer to shaft through  tangential force. In the result twisting moment or torque built in shaft and Power transfer to other machine part that were join in this shaft.


Axle looking like shaft but function of axle is to much different from shaft.Axle is machine element which did not move but its use to transfer bending moment form one machine to another.Axle also give support to the moving machine elements like wheel of car.


Spindle also like a shaft but its length is bit to short. Spindle is use for giving the motion to cutting tool. Simple example of spindle is drill chuck that's give motion to drill for making hole.

Use Of Fasteners In Mechanical Engineering

Use Of Fasteners In Mechanical Engineering 

There are two different types of fasteners

  1. Temporary fasteners 
  2. Permanent fasteners

Temporary fasteners
are those kind of fasteners which are use only for time work as i say use for just temporary work. These kind of fasteners are used for most of time. For example screw joints are all example of Temporary fasteners.

Use Of Screw joints In Mechanical Industry:

Now a day Screw or bolts joints are the most important and very much use joints in mechanical industry. There are two types of thread that are on the screw and mostly used

  • Single start thread 
  • Multi start thread

In Single start thread single groove round on the axis of bolt. 
In Multi start thread two or more than two grooves round on the axis of bolt.
There are different types of thread which are used on the axis of bolts and screw and all these bolts and screws used in automotive engineering and also in industry for temporary fastening and for assemble different machine parts. 

Form Of Thread :

There are different types of threads which are mostly used as a standard in all over the world.

  • B.S.W British Standard Whit-worth Thread
  • American National Standard thread
  • Unified Standard Threads
  • Square threads
  • ACME Threads
  • Knuckle Thread
  • Buttress Thread