Monday 11 January 2016

Injection Molding Processes

Injection Molding:

Injection Molding is an process in which poly ethylene melt in cavity at high temperature and turns into the form of mold or pattern. After this process mold open and Eject the injection from Machine or mold cavity.
There are more than one process in Injection Molding:

  1. Heating
  2. Melting
  3. Injection
  4. Blowing (only in Blow molding)
  5. Cooling
  6. Ejection

Heating: The process in which resin heat up for melting and this work complete in Resin Dryer.

Melting: The process in which resin melt in Barrel and ready for injection.

Injection: The process in which melt polymers inject in to mold or cavity with the help of barrel screw.

Cooling: The process in which material cool at -0* temperature and turn into the form of molding pattern or cavity.

Ejection: The process in which proper thing prepare by machine and Eject from machine with the help of Ejectors or Ejector pins.

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Injection Molding Processes
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